Deep aesthetics is essentially transdisciplinary in nature. It is rooted in the primary ground of the aesthetic as sensuous engagement, woven from strands from philosophy - especially phenomenology - depth psychology, philosophical anthropology, and diverse cultural knowledges. Deep aesthetics foregrounds the backgrounded relational and interconnected aspects of life and living beings, re-situating humankind within a complex world of enmeshed and interdependent Being and mutual becoming. It focuses on depth of engagement and a radical intersubjectivity. Most importantly, deep aesthetic engagement offers revelatory, and potentially transformative, experience. My interest in developing a deep aesthetics is rooted in the question of how to transform human-world and interspecies relations, with a focus on abandoning the dangerous reductive and dualistic ontology of modernity, changing human consciousness and ultimately our behaviours and technologies. Can it be that this is more a matter of re-membering what has been dis-membered, or split apart than of anything new? In the words of psychologist James Hillman speaking of the aesthetic and the Anima Mundi, or soul of the world, "I {often] wonder less how to shift the paradigm than I wonder how we ever got so far off base.”
To read or download conference talks, papers, and publications developing and working with these ideas, please visit: Academia
Born and raised in the occupied unceded sovereign territories of the Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), xÊ·mÉ™θkÊ·É™yÌ“É™m (Musqueam), and sÉ™lilÌ“wÉ™taʔɬ (Tsleil-Waututh) peoples on the wild West coast of colonial Canada, I am a philosopher, artist, researcher, and scholar in the transdisciplinary field of the Ecological arts and humanities concerned with biocultural diversity, and with the role of the arts and culture in sustainably flourishing futures..
Since 1990 my work has focused on the role of the arts, and of our sensory aesthetic engagement with place, world, and other beings in informing, forming, and transforming beliefs, values, practices and policies. Since 1997 my primary focus has been investigating the role of the arts in, and of artists as wayfinders to, a "sustainably flourishing" future for all life.
Committed to small scale local agriculture and food, in the tradition of my family, I am a subsistence food gardener, orchardist, and seed saver, who nurtures and stewards wild resources. I work with wild yeasts, time-proven food preservation methods, and continue the tradition of my mother and grandmothers as grower and forager of traditional plant medicines and their preparation. I am a cook, a baker, a lover of process, and of mindful making.
From 2011-2013 I sat on the board of directors for Village Vancouver Transition Society, which focuses on sustainable urban ecology, local knowledge and urban agriculture.
Trained from the age of 10 years with international and local masters in the techniques and technologies of traditional fine arts, film photography, design, and interactive media (performance and installation) until 1997 I was an internationally exhibiting visual artist,
"Sustainability" is the possibility that humans and other life will flourish on the Earth forever - John Ehrenfeld

Broadly, a study of human engagements with environment and other species; investigating the role and impacts of creativity, and embodied, sensuous aesthetic engagements in defining those relationships.
The transformative capacity of artist-initiated and arts-led collaborative practices to generate change in socio-cultural systems + public policy.
The role of 'art' + design in human-environment + interspecies relations
Biocultures - could a revelation + embracing of bioculture help transform understandings, values, and ultimately change behaviours and policies in industrialised cultures?
The generation and nurturing of affinity and obligation toward places and other beings through embodied, sensory aesthetic engagements, + practices
Human-world + interspecies relations
Merleau-Ponty's Ontology
Intercultural Philosophy
Field Philosophy
Environmental Studies (Values + Environment)
EcoPhenomenology, Environmental Ethics + Applied Philosophy
Social Anthropology, Sociology
Ecological Social Sculpture/Social Practice Art
Traditional Fine Arts, Film Photography, Interactive Arts
SCALE/LeSAUT Canada (Sectoral Climate Arts Leadership for the Emergency/Leadership Sectoriel des Arts sur l'Urgence de la Transition écologique) (roundtable)
Canadian Society for Environmental Philosophy/ Société Canadienne de Philosophie Environnementale​ (Original Steering committee)
International Society for Environmental Ethics
International Environmental Communications Association (Founding Member)
International Ecoart Network (since 2001)
Anthropology of Consciousness, American Anthropological Association
Environmental Humanities, Duke University Press
Geographical Review, American Geographical Society
Music & Arts in Action, University of Exeter
The Trumpeter, Athabasca University Press
Assessor: UNESCO UniTwin Program
EDITORIAL ADVISOR: Canadian Journal for Environmental Philosophy/Le Revue Canadienne de Philosophie Environnementale (CJEP/RCPE)
SECTION EDITOR: The Trumpeter, Journal of Ecosophy (2016/18)